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"Ketika baju seragam seorang anak laki-laki mulai ada bercak tinta biru.. Sekali menoleh ke belakang, nampak senyuman seorang anak perempuan yang membawa jiwa anak laki-laki tersebut ke dalam mimpi selama bertahun-tahun, terikat seumur hidup"
“Orang yang bisa mewujudkan impian bukanlah selalu orang yang pintar, melainkan orang yang tidak pernah menyerah..”
"Adolescence is like a heavy rain. Even though you catch a cold from it, you still look forward to experiencing it once again."

"You are the only person that is going to make my world"
"Aku suka pada diriku yang menyukaimu saat itu hingga sekarang."
“The cruelest part about growing up is that girls are always more mature than guys of the same age. No guys can handle girls at their age.” 
“All this time, i thought i am full of confident. but i’m already know, in front of her, the one that i love, i’m just a coward.” 
“Tidak seperti tes, setiap soal yang rumit pasti ada jawabannya. Dalam kehidupan nyata, ada beberapa hal yang selamanya tidak ada jawabannya.” 
"Even though I'm cute, smart, and incredibly humorous. Don't fall in love with me easily, because I'm a lone wolf traveling in the wild wind."

Dan quote yang paling emosional adalah:
“If you really like a girl, it is impossible to see her marry to another guy and still bless them. But I am wrong. In fact, when you really like a girl, you’d be happy for her when you see her finding her Mr. Right. You will want them to be together, and to live happily ever after.” 

Ko Ching-Teng
"Do you believe in parallel universe? Maybe in that universe, we are together."
Sen Chia-Yi
"How I envy them. Thank you for liking me."
Ko Ching-Teng
"Thank you for letting me like you in those years."

Ko Ching-Teng
"Kalau kau menang dariku di ujian bulanan, kau boleh mengerjaiku apa saja. Tapi kalau aku menang, kamu harus mengucir rambut selama sebulan."
Sen Chia-Yi
"Terserah, sih. Lagipula itu tidak mungkin."
Ko Ching-Teng
"Kepercayaan diri yang selangit itu, lagi-lagi membuatku terpesona."

Selamat menempuh hidup baru, masa remajaku..
(from You are the Apple of My Eye)